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I stand in solidarity with Gaza GazaUnderAttack لماذا غزة؟ Why Gaza?

11/07/2014 | 2:00 ص 0 comments
I stand in solidarity with Gaza GazaUnderAttack  لماذا غزة؟     Why Gaza?

The Israeli envoy to the United Nations, Ron Prosor, told the Security Council today (July 10, 2014) that "Hamas dragged us [Israel] into this operation" and to bring the point home, he sounded a siren alarm in the hall to demonstrate that Israelis have only 15 seconds to run for cover when they hear the warning…

لماذا غزة؟ Why Gaza? Skip to content HomeAbout MeMapsRecommended Reading July 10, 2014 · 5:02 pm ↓ Jump to Comments I stand in solidarity with Gaza GazaUnderAttack

The Israeli envoy to the United Nations, Ron Prosor, told the Security Council today (July 10, 2014) that “Hamas dragged us [Israel] into this operation” and to bring the point home, he sounded a siren alarm in the hall to demonstrate that Israelis have only 15 seconds to run for cover when they hear the warning of an approaching rocket.

Always the victim, never the perpetrator.

This selfie published in Haaretz of a mother and child in an Israeli shelter is beyond words.

Sara Eisen's selfie in the bomb shelter Photo by Sara Eisen

Sara Eisen’s selfie in the bomb shelter Photo by Sara Eisen

I wonder if a representative of the Palestinians was present at the emergency meeting of the Security Council and, if so, how would he have illustrated the warning that Palestinians in Gaza get before a missile hits their home. The “knock-knock” tap on the roof?

November 2012 - Israel's warning shot landed 10 feet from a child's bed in Khan Yunis, Gaza Strip

November 2012 – Israel’s warning shot landed 10 feet from a child’s bed in Khan Yunis, Gaza Strip

Mayor of Khan Yunis points to the warning shot fired into this home in Nov. 2012.

Mayor of Khan Yunis points to the warning shot fired into this home in Nov. 2012.

The “knock-knock” is meant to give the family a 15 minute warning to evacuate before their home is demolished. Tragically, the Israeli Air Force bombed a house in Khan Yunis on Tuesday (July 8, 2014) and killed 8 members of the Kaware family. No selfies to share of this tragic “mistake”.

I don’t know what’s more difficult for me to stomach —

The lop-sided media coverage that inevitably portrays Israel as the victim and Hamas as the brutish beast that lured Netanyahu into battle. Describing the Israeli assault in Gaza as a “war” – when one side has F-16 fighter jets sophisticated missiles and weapons tactical superiority by air, sea and land the ability to shut off the opponent’s electricity, water and Internet and a well-greased Hasbara machine —- while the opponent has rockets that can now reach Tel Aviv and Jerusalem without much precision, but no air force, army or navy. Watching life in the U.S. continue uninterrupted with most Americans oblivious to the carnage that is occurring half way around the world.  “WAKE UP!”   Please wake up! Listening to the mainstream press and many friends and family regurgitate the Israeli Hasbara so glibly. Do they really think Palestinians hate Israel more than they love their children? Someone actually wrote that vomit on my Facebook yesterday. Knowing that my friends in Gaza are in harm’s way and there’s nothing I can do to help them. Lora stands in solidarity with Gaza (July 9, 2014)

Lora stands in solidarity with Gaza (July 9, 2014)





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I stand in solidarity with Gaza GazaUnderAttack لماذا غزة؟ Why Gaza? اخبار غزة The Israeli envoy to the United Nations, Ron Prosor, told the Security Council today (July 10, 2014) that "Hamas dragged us [Israel] into this operation" and to bring the point home, he sounded a siren alarm in the hall to demonstrate that Israelis have o

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I stand in solidarity with Gaza GazaUnderAttack  لماذا غزة؟     Why Gaza?
المصدر http://loralucero.wordpress.com/2014/07/10/i-stand-in-solidarity-with-gaza-gazaunderattack/ http://loralucero.wordpress.com
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