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انت تشاهد: تكنولوجيا > إنتل

The Core X family starts with the Core i5-7640X at $242, which offers 4-cores and 4-threads. The Core i7 X-series range from a $339, 4-core / 8-thread model ...

The Core X family starts with the Core i5-7640X at $242, which offers 4-cores and 4-threads. The Core i7 X-series range from a $339, 4-core / 8-thread model ... The Core X family starts with the Core i5-7640X at $242, which offers 4-cores and 4-threads. The Core i7 X-series range from a $339, 4-core / 8-thread model ...
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أعلنت شركة "إنتل" عن شريحة جديدة للذكاء الاصطناعي ، تتحدى بها شركة "إنفيديا"، في واحدة من أسرع الأجزاء نمواً في صناعة أشباه

سوف نستعرض معكم من خلال هذا المقال اسعار بروسيسور انتل في مصر من خلال موقع فكرة Fekera.com، تعتبر شركة أنتل من أفضل الشركات في العالم التي تقوم بأنتاج

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The Core X family starts with the Core i5-7640X at $242, which offers 4-cores and 4-threads. The Core i7 X-series range from a $339, 4-core / 8-thread model ...

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The Core X family starts with the Core i5-7640X at $242, which offers 4-cores and 4-threads. The Core i7 X-series range from a $339, 4-core / 8-thread model ... : خيارات

The Core X family starts with the Core i5-7640X at $242, which offers 4-cores and 4-threads. The Core i7 X-series range from a $339, 4-core / 8-thread model ...

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التعليقات علي :- > The Core X family starts with the Core i5-7640X at $242, which offers 4-cores and 4-threads. The Core i7 X-series range from a $339, 4-core / 8-thread model ...

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